Vienna Called

Expected Reading Time: 75 secondsRecommended Time Spent on Links: 75 minutes

Last weekend's letter outage was proudly caused by my travels to Vienna for the IAMA Conference – the biggest speed-dating festival between artist agents and concert presenters in the classical music sector. It was fantastic to reconnect with dear friends and make new ones!

If you're an early subscriber of David's Dearest, you might remember my classical concert recommendations. For those who have been missing them or are now interested, I have some exciting news! sforzato is soon launching a weekly newsletter focused on can't-miss concerts, in addition to the shameless self-promotion of our agency work, of course.Sign up here!

If you have just 1 minute for good music this week, let it be this one - Lucas & Arthur Jussen perform Mozart's Concerto For Two Pianos (from 2:26).

If you're wondering, why basically every film Tom Cruise makes, becomes a hit: watch how he prepares.

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Are you also asking yourself Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds?

With that, I wish you a super Sunday, getting of the train now: pit stop in Eisenach on my way to Berlin, for an afternoon treat of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach feat. Chen Reiss and Hansjörg Albrecht.


P.S. not every link makes it into this letter, I share more on my Instagram.

P.P. S more classical music here: