Double Trouble

Dear all,

after accidentally putting lots of trios in the last issue, this time I'm suggesting a couple of duos and two recommendations per section. Also, I'm adding in a second language. As you can see, this whole publication is very much work-in-progress, thank you for sticking around.

2 Things To Watch:

Netflix just dropped Season 2 of Framed! A Sicilian Murder Mystery featuring the iconic Salvo Ficarra and Valentino Picone. Bonus tip: watch it while eating copious amounts of 19-hours-slow-cooked Bolognese .. which is precisely what I did yesterday 👌

Lucas and Arthur Jussen won't be strangers to those of you who's been reading David's Dearest for some time - the boys are back with this cool contemporary take on "Die Fledermaus" by Igor Roma:

2 Things To Listen To:

Yuja Wang's new album The American Project features two fantastic works by contemporary composers: a sensational new piano concerto by Teddy Abrams is preceded by a superb piece for solo piano by Michael Tilson Thomas.

The excellent Dutch ensemble FUSE makes what I believe is their debut in Germany this week - if you're up north, catch them at the Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Otherwise, enjoy their latest album Studio 3!

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2 Things To Read:

As I'm more than ever trying to make this letter of recommendations a regular affair, I'm doubling down on subscribing to a lot of publications myself. So far I'm a big fan of The Browser, which delivers two great stories a day straight to your inbox (in its free version).

Until next time,David

Nachschlag auf Deutsch - 2 Gespräche:

Was Eckart von Hirschhausen im Gespräch mit Hartmut Welzer von sich gibt, würde ich alles so unterschreiben.Meine Ansätze aus der ersten Folge des neuen Podcasts "Auf einen Ton" mit Laura Wachter sind sicherlich noch ausbaufähig, eine halbe Stunde und ein Ausflug in die Spieltheorie später bin ich jedoch mehr denn je der Meinung, dass sich der deutsche Hochkulturbetrieb vieles aus anderen Bereichen abschauen könnte.

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